
Lee Nelson arrested for throwing a wad of cash over Sepp Blatter During Press Conference

Just fresh from appearing on stage alongside Kanye West at Glastonbury, here’s comedian Lee Nelson, real name Simon Brodkin, appearing alongside another ego maniac, FIFA’s soon to be ex president Sepp Blatter.

Nelson, seemingly in the guise of his alter ego Jason Bent, interrupts football’s nemesis mid press conference by throwing a huge wad of fake cash before adding the immortal words “Sepp, this is for North Korea in 2026”, then, after throwing the remaining funds, quips “cheers Sep, its all there”.

Visibly shaken, Sepp Blatter struggles to regain composure, possibly outraged at the lack of protocol being shown by the payer….

Naturally Nelson was taken away and swiftly arrested by the Police.
He latter tweeted from his characters Twitter page; “Excited to be at FIFA meeting Sepp Blatter to secure the #NorthKorea2026 World Cup.”

Here’s the video…..