
Diego Costa unveils disturbing the elderly with porn films during wild parties

Whilst we all know the striker to be somewhat of freak on the pitch, seems off it he has a tendency to be rather freaky also.

In an extract from his latest autobiography, entitled ‘The Art of War’, Costa talks about the wild parties he hosted for friends whilst with Spanish club Albacete.

During one of said parties, Diego and co would play porn to deafening levels, one time alerting the attention of his elderly neighbour.

“Vicente Ferre de la Rosa, an administrator at the club, on the complaints from one of Costa’s neighbours: “On one occasion they [Costa and friends] had a porn movie blaring out and the poor woman came down to tell them to turn the volume down. ‘What’s the matter? Don’t you like making love?’ a wide-eyed Costa asked her sweetly.”

We’ve all been there Diego….